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How to add other tours to "My Tours"?

Categories: Marketplace

Step 1

Check company type.

The buttons “Add to my tours”/”Remove from my tours” are available only for the Premium Agent account or for the Supplier. In all other accounts it is not.

Make sure that the company is the right type. To do this, go to the “Top menu > Account menu > Billing & Payments” section. The type of subscription displays there.

Company type

More detailed information about the subscription can be obtained by going from “Billing & Payments > Manage > Subscription”.

If the subscription is for a trial period, then the “Add to my tours”/”Remove from my tours” buttons are not visible.

Step 2

Add tour to “My Tours” or “To my website”.

If the Supplier enabled in the “Manage > Net Rates > My Rates” checkbox “Set as Public Rates”, then in the “Marketplace > Admin view” the Premium Agent or Supplier will see the buttons: “Add to my website”, “Add to my tours”. Agents with “Online”/”Offline” subscriptions will only see the “Add to my website” button.

Go to the “Marketplace > Admin view” section and find the tour you need to add. In the “Admin view” in the minimized card (or expanded) of each tour, the indicated buttons will be displayed.

To add a tour, click on the “Add to my tours” button. To add a tour to your “White Label” click on the “Add to my website” button.

Company type

Step 3


Tours added to “My Tours” section are displayed as yours in “Bookings > Manifest view”, “Marketplace”, “Manage > My Tours” sections.

In the “My Tours” section, the Supplier sees only his tours and those he has added to “My Tours” through “Marketplace > Admin view > Add to my tours”.

In the “My Tours” section, the Premium Agent sees only those tours that he has added to “My Tours” through “Marketplace > Admin view > Add to my tours”.

Such tours added to “My tours” are displayed along with other tours. You can sort them with other tours in the general list or create a separate category and drag the added tours into it.

If there are several categories in “My Tours”, then by default the added tours are shown in the “Main category”. The inscription “… by [company name]” is displayed on the right near the name of the added tour.

After a you have added a tour, you can book from “Bookings > Manifest vew”. In the open booking modal you can confirm it by clicking on the button “Request booking” or “Book now” depending on the tour settings (accept booking manually/automatically).

Three-dot menu for a tour that Supplier (or Premium Agent) added to “My Tours” displays the next points:

  • “Preview”. By clicking on the item “Preview” - a new tab opens with the “White Label” of the current company and an open tour.
  • “Set as Active”/”Set as Inactive”. By clicking on the “Set as Inactive” item, the tour is hidden only for the Premium Agent (or Supplier) that added it. Disappears everywhere except “My Tours”. By clicking on the “Set as Active” item, the tour is again displayed for the Premium Agent (or Supplier) that added it.
  • “Remove from my website” (if already added for display on the “White Label”. By clicking on the item “Remove from my website” the tour is deleted from the “White Label” of the current Supplier (Premium Agent) and the label “Unpublished” is set, and a new item is displayed in the ellipsis menu - “Add to my website” (when clicked, the tour will again be displayed on the “White Label” of the current Supplier).

Step 4

Remove tour from “My Tours” or from “White Label”.

Tours added to “My Tours” can only be deleted at yours surroundings. To do this, you must:

  • go to the “Marketplace > Admin view” section and find the tour you need to delete. In the “Admin view” in the preview of the desired tour, the “Remove from my tours” button will appear.
  • click on this button to delete the tour.

Company type

Tours added to “White Label” can only be deleted at yours surroundings. To do this, you must:

  • go to the “Marketplace > Admin view” section and find the tour you need to delete from “White Label”. In the “Admin view” in the preview of the desired tour, the “Remove from my website” button will appear.
  • click on this button to delete the tour.

Company type

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